The Devonport Rotary Club acknowledge the generous support from the following organisations in assisting us with our work in the Devonport Community.

For over 3 years Supagas have kindly supplied the Devonport Rotary Club with all of our gas for the BBQ trailer.

Banjo's North West have been long time supporters offering fresh bread for our BBQ's. We look forward to continuing this partnership with Banjo's North West for many years to come.

The Spirit of Tasmania continue to work with us on projects. This year the Spirit have been a major contributor in our Light the Night fundraiser for the Leukaemia Foundation. We appreciate the assistance the Spirit of Tasmania offer for all our events.

Formby Road Motors kindly donate a vehicle for us to collect food from Coles Supermarket and drop off at the Devonport Community House for Second Bite.
10 Formby Rd, Devonport TASMANIA, 7310 Ph: (03) 6424 5412
10 Formby Rd, Devonport TASMANIA, 7310 Ph: (03) 6424 5412